


The industrial aluminum profile drawing and bending process implements the spirit of fine drawing and bending craftsman

Fine craftsman spirit is the good professional quality developed by the craftsmen in the long-term professional practice of Beijing bending factory and the unique professional quality of bending. This quality is the extraction of professional spirit, the refinement of Chinese fine bending processing culture, the deep logic of the achievement of craftsmen, and a spiritual resource that guides and enables people to pursue dreams in form.

To promote the spirit of craftsmanship, cultural support is the soul. It is in this sense that the fine bending craftsman spirit has become the value of China's bending industry and the "quality inspection" of industrial aluminum profile bending craft talents. It is a new consensus, a new norm and a new goal leading the direction of deep cultivation of stretching and bending processing. To cultivate the spirit of fine bending craftsman of the post-90s or post-00s, the core is practice, and the key is to understand and lock the target dimension contained in the spirit of bending craftsman. Only by first establishing the training objectives to be achieved, can the training process have direction, positioning and distance, aim at the elevation, gather the heart and force, and pursue the dream.


Sheng Dara curved ingenuity, that is, the heart of a skilled craftsman, it refers to the exquisite, exquisite mind, essentially is the heart of innovation. Ingenuity or originality in the idiom refers to such a bright and unique heart. Ingenuity is the first element of craftsman spirit, is the core value and soul of craftsman spirit. Because the heart is the house of the spirit, the house of wisdom, the carrier of this. The ancients emphasized: "The excellent use of the mind." It can be seen that the heart is the god and the heart is the ruler. On the contrary, without ingenuity, a craftsman will become a mediocre craftsman, and his spirit will be devalued, and he will become a lowly and ungodly existence. In other words, if the craftsman spirit is stripped of the connotation of ingenuity and only physical operation is left, it is probably not far from ingenuity. Therefore, it is the primary task of fine craftsman spirit cultivation to cultivate staff's ingenuity, generate craftsman's intention, craftsman's thinking and craftsman's wisdom, that is, to cultivate staff's innovative spirit and innovative character.

The industrial aluminum profile drawing and bending process implements the spirit of fine drawing and bending craftsman

Beijing pull bending casting craftsman soul. What is the Spirit of the Bending Craftsman? Is virtue, is a person's moral character, conduct, character. Virtue is the pillar of craftsman spirit. The ancients said, "Talent is the capital of virtue; Virtue, talent is handsome." Thus, the craftsman is ruled by the craftsman's virtue. Some scholars emphasized: "people stand by virtue, and virtue is high by soul." Virtue is the leader and foundation of the craftsman spirit, the connotation and soul of the craftsman spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the spirit of craftsman to cast the soul of craftsman and establish the craftsman's virtue. People have the soul of virtue, can establish the world survival, long line. This is what Kant said: "Virtue is power." On the other hand, if people lose the soul of virtue, can only be a body and skin. The feeling of our bending processing craftsman is the meaning of feelings, is the sum of positive, noble and positive emotions and attitudes that people hold or project on things. Craftsman's feeling is to hold and stick to the craftsman's feeling, which contains the value orientation and professional attitude of people internally, and is an important part of the craftsman's spirit. The craftsman's feelings include love, awe, home and country, responsibility and excellence.

Industrial aluminum profile drawing and bending process practice craftsman line. Craftsman is the act and action of craftsman. The spirit of craftsman is not cultivated because it is hot and fashionable. We dance with it in order to follow the hot spot, follow the fashion and stick to the label. It is the need to really grasp the solid, vigorously practice. It is necessary to understand the unique behavior characteristics of craftsman line based on profound historical and cultural connotation: persistence, fine skill, worship of virtue, innovation and so on. For example, the king of Japanese sushi - Ono Jiro, after more than 70 years, 90 years old is still persistent sushi journey; Gao Fenglin's rocket-motor welding is controlled to one-fiftieth of the length of his hair. Hu Shuangqian, chief fitter of Big Aircraft, lived in a small room of 30 square meters for 30 years, but he created a miracle of processing hundreds of thousands of aircraft parts without defective products. This is the essence, the true meaning, and the true meaning of workmanship.

Promoting the spirit of craftsmanship, respecting work and talents is the foundation. Our General Secretary has pointed out that development is the top priority and talent is the top resource. The drivers of high-quality development include scientists, research and development elites, as well as highly skilled workers who have mastered cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing and big data. "Skilled workers are the important foundation to support made in China and created in China", and they are the key link to open up the last mile of technology to products. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is in the ascends. The breakthrough of manufacturing power strategy urgently needs a large number of craftsmen to provide strong structural support for it. Talents are the core elements of high-quality development of manufacturing industry. Through high salary and high remuneration, we can improve the treatment level of skilled talents, enhance the sense of honor, sense of gain and happiness of craftsmen, and strive to build a knowledge-based, skilled and innovative labor force, so as to gradually build the brand of "great craftsman".